How 3 Day Fasting Changed Me!

So my kids have been back in school for almost a month and once they went back to school we quickly had to deal with a cold that went through the family in record time. As nurse mommy, I knew that there was not much I could do to avoid it, so instead of medicating myself the whole time, I decided to flush the cold out and build up my immune system.

What is Fasting?

I am not new to fasting, I have fasted for as long as 30 days.  I have fasted leading up to my time of the month, even done seasonal fast throughout the year so with that type of experience I am familiar with many things fasting. 

Many will ask me what is fasting.  I define fasting as abstaining from “fill in the blank”, it could be food, it could be alcohol, my favorite and achilles heel added sugar. If you are looking for a solid list of things to avoid and how to prepare for a fast check out this video, for more details. 

Fasting is personal and although you will remove much from your typical diet, you can fast abundantly.   Fasting really is a mind game in the beginning and its best not to do it alone, but more on that later.  

Why I Love Fasting…

  • Allows my body to rest
  • Helps me to gain more focus on a specific goal
  • Gives me time to sit still and hear God’s will for me

My preferred  and go-to way for fasting  is a 100% juice, made with fresh ingredients and the occasional smoothie as my nourishment for 3, 5 or 7 days.  I have done raw fast, fast all day and then ate 1 meal with some guidelines.  Fasting for me, really depends  upon where I am mentally and my personal goals so if you ever think about doing a fast you must remember why you started, especially on the not so good days.

Fasting Together

By doing a fast as soon as I got sick, I was able to allow my digestion to rest and this allowed my body to focus on getting healthy, building up my immune system and I was able to bounce back in record time.  Now in the past, when I am under the weather I skip some meals and drinks and end up very dehydrated but a few pounds lighter and as toxic as that is, I am never mad at it.  This time I was able to still lose some pounds, really reduce bloat,  but my body was hydrated and although I can’t promise that I will always go this route, it is definitely in my back pocket.

Now that getting sick has got me back to doing the right thing for my body, I have decided to do a monthly 3 day fast starting September. If you are looking to do a fast join my FB group HERE and allow your body a rest or maybe just a reset.

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